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Horses and donkeys may be infested by two species of lice, Haematopinus asini, the horse bloodsucking louse, and Damalinia equi, the horse biting louse.D equi is also called Werneckiella equi and was formerly known as Bovicola equi, Trichodectes equi, and T parumpilosus.Both species are distributed worldwide. Fence off trees during fruiting to prevent gorging. Avoid access to grain and other rich feed. Those claiming to be anti-parasitic tend to have very low levels of the active ingredient and this can have the effect of promoting resistance to the effects of the product. Colic is a symptom rather than a disease, and defined as abdominal pain. Self-fill drinkers can become blocked, water supply can fail, Clean any contaminated water containers as donkeys will not drink dirty water, Check water is not frozen or too cold. Check pasture and boundary fences and hedgerows frequently and remove them or fence off the problem area. Generally, they prefer to be in areas where … Watch out for donkeys eating their bedding, eg when box-rested under veterinary instruction. The key to successful bathing is to be prepared, take your time and reassure your donkey at all times. The donkeys' owners do not use insecticides to control the lice infestation, when they observe skin lesions; they treat with either eosin or povidone‑iodine. You’ll need a ticket. Donkey age and mean hair length were characteristics which affected louse prevalence: older and younger donkeys and donkeys with longer hair harboured the highest numbers of lice. Lice on the horses occur mainly in the winter. You’ll need a ticket. When moderate to large populations of lice build up on the coat or plumage of a host animal, their many tiny lice bites can create significant signs of skin irritation and itchiness in that animal. Persistently very loose or very dry droppings could be indicative of colic particularly if other symptoms appear. Squeeze a little shampoo on to the sponge and work the shampoo into these areas. Ensure your donkeys cannot access such material. Feed - sudden changes to diet, poor quality feed, too much grass, feeding cereals: Eating non-food items such as plastic bags, rope or bedding: Dental disease - failure to chew food adequately resulting in a blockage of the gut: Worms - migrating worm larvae or large numbers of worms causing an obstruction: Impactions or blockages with partially digested food, Tumours in the abdomen, particularly in older donkeys, Obstructions with 'foreign bodies' such as plastic bags. Pain killers will probably be prescribed and other drugs such as antibiotics may be indicated. Start from the neck down, paying attention to the mane, the withers, the armpits and the groin area; these are the common areas for lice. Many donkeys will not drink very cold water - take the chill off the water in cold weather. Lice are parasites that can live on the horse’s skin. The Donkey Sanctuary has provided this guide to understanding colic, what signs to look for, its treatment and how to prevent colic in donkeys. Listen to the abdomen with a stethoscope to check the gut sounds, Ask you about what the animal has been eating. Just because the signs can be less dramatic it does not mean the donkey is feeling pain any the less. Pancreatitis - very serious inflammation of the pancreas. Some causes, such as tumours, may be unavoidable and their likelihood increases with age. Preferably a friend/family member to help occupy and reassure your donkey and to run and get more water. If your horse is very itchy during the summer, this can be caused by summer itch (sweet itch) or an allergy to flies Haematopinus asini ingests the equine’s blood. Suspect teeth problems if donkeys are 'quidding' (dropping part chewed feed) or drooling saliva. Here's the questions I forgot to ask: 1. when do I re-treat (I am assuming to get the new hatches) 2. she has really long shaggy hair - when it warms up, should I full-body clip her? 3. However, any suspicion of colic requires immediate veterinary attention. Cardboard or paper bedding is not recommended for donkeys. Areas affected by mange will weep fluid, becoming dry, crusty, thickened, and red. The stoic nature of the donkey is such that signs of colic are usually less dramatic than those seen in a horse, such as Treatment depends on the cause diagnosed by the vet. With clean warm water, rinse your donkey thoroughly, use a clean sponge or small cup for their ears and face area. Use a small sponge to wet the face and areas behind the ears and hollows above the eyes; this is another common site for lice. Reduce stress and ensure you ‘trickle feed’ your donkey. According to the Mayo Clinic, more research is needed to learn how effective tea tree oil is for combating lice.In particular, scientists need to conduct more large well-designed trials. In order to control any lice infestation in your donkey you will need to keep on top of clipping, bathing and the general grooming of your donkey. I've always just used a general purpose powder called Pestene, for donkies, chickens, guineas and the odd old horse who has been rundown & contracted them. There was seasonal variation Your vet will probably carry out the following: Depending on the findings, your vet may introduce fluids into your donkey’s stomach via a tube that is inserted up one nostril. Use your spare hand to protect your donkey’s eyes. Check the donkey’s breathing pattern so you will be able to spot any change. The clipping allows the shampoo to reach the skin and the bathing literally drowns adult lice. There are many causes, and many ways to greatly reduce the risk of colic. Consider offering several sources of water. Lice are tiny, wingless insects called ectoparasites—parasites that live on the exterior of the host. The donkey is the natural host for the mature worm. I was just given a small 15-20 year-old donkey. Donkey owners and veterinarians should be educated on the presence ... of the owners who reported diseases mentioned emaciation as one of the symptoms associated with disease; others symptoms reported were unthriftiness (38%), lameness (25%), ... lice, five (22%) mentioned mites and three (13%) mentioned nuisance flies. If they’re poorly formed, watery, strong smelling, yellow, or bloody, it could be a sign of dehydration, diarrhea, parasites, illness, or improper nutrition. Therefore, appropriate pet insurance is something that donkey owners should consider. Two different types affect horses, distinguished by their source of nutrition. The team evaluated 198 donkeys stabled at one of two donkey sanctuaries in England or Ireland during peak lice season. Remember the more you use the more there is to rinse. Lice are external parasites that live on the skin. Observe your donkey daily, looking for any changes in behaviour. Donkeys with very poor dentition, metabolic disease or those prone to laminitis may require a complete feed. A donkey infested with mange mites will be suffering intense irritation to the skin which will have lesions, scabby areas and conseequent loss of hair. The clipping allows the shampoo to reach the skin and the bathing literally drowns adult lice. We have not found any particular shampoo to recommend. Hospitalisation may be indicated and some cases may require surgery. There are three species of lice that can infect horses. The other two lice, Bovicola equi and Trichodectes pilosus, chew on the surface of the skin. The stoic nature of the donkey is such that signs of colic are usually less dramatic than those seen in a horse, such as rolling, sweating or pawing the ground. He has lice on his forehead. The Donkey Sanctuary has found that there is resistance to the effects of the common anti-lice wash Deosect, so we find that clipping and bathing is an effective alternative. Donkey droppings shouldn’t be runny, nor should they be too hard, nor should they look like a “ cow pie”. pruritus and dermal irritation with resultant scratching, rubbing, and biting of infested areas Know what normal dung looks like. The Donkey Sanctuary has found that there is resistance to the effects of the common anti-lice wash Deosect, so we find that clipping and bathing is an effective alternative. Ensure regular faecal worm egg counts are carried out to determine if your donkeys require. Rich feeds, particularly those that are high in starch and sugar, can cause laminitis and colic. Complete Feeds. Dental disease is more common in older donkeys. Some abdominal pain is inevitable, eg during foaling. It's possible for a horse to be so uncomfortable that it will appear listless or colicky. We would therefore advise a perfume-free baby shampoo, which is not too harsh to cause damage to your donkey's eyes and sensitive tissues. We thought Shadow (donkey) was clear, but 2 days ago I noticed some balding patches and found lice! Much like the human louse, lice cause itching and irritation for the horses they infest. Lice are visible with the naked eye (s ee the pictures in the blog) they lay eggs on the horses coat which are commonly referred to as ‘nits’ these can be seen through a magnifying glass. Research at The Donkey Sanctuary suggests that a significant percentage of donkeys reported as being just 'dull' are diagnosed with colic. Horses have a thick winter coat which lice like a lot because it’s warm and comfy. Use the shampoo sparingly and massage into the body. Do not drench in one go and leave the head and ears to last. Euthanasia may also be the kindest option in serious cases. Consider changing the bedding to something less palatable, such as wood shavings. Ensure your donkeys' teeth are checked at least annually by a qualified equine dental technician or vet following a. Symptoms – Infestation with lice is known as ‘pediculosis’ it commonest during the winter months when the coat is long. Avoid grazing on sandy soil pasture if possible. Equine lice infestations can cause irritation, hair loss, anemia, scarring and inflammation of the skin, and self-mutilation. However, the lice eggs can still remain viable and this is why we advise a repeat bath after a couple of weeks by which time any eggs will have hatched but hopefully not had time to lay further eggs. Sucking lice (Haematopinus asini) feed on blood by embedding their mouthparts into the roots of a horse’s hairs. Do not attempt to treat your donkey yourself or give it a feed or any drugs. What do you recommend to get rid of the lice before I turn him out with my mule? Colic is so dangerous because by the time your donkey lets you know it has colic, it may be too late to save it. Warm water in all but the hottest of weather should be used. Book for free. Be aware of the average number of piles of droppings your donkeys pass each day as well as the consistency. Most lice are harmless to overall health, but they do cause tiny bites, which can be bothersome. Pick up manure from the paddock a minimum of twice per week. Avoid mouldy feed, Always soak sugar beet to the manufacturer’s recommendations, Ensure regular feeding: little and often, especially if the animal is on additional feed, Avoid access to too much rich spring grass, which can lead to problems with. The team separated the donkeys … depression, incoordination, staggering, trembling, convulsions, excitement, bleeding, and unfortunately, Lice infestation, also known as pediculosis, is extremely common in horses, especially in winter months. Research at The Donkey Sanctuary suggests that a significant percentage of donkeys reported as being just 'dull' are diagnosed with colic. Pat your donkey dry using old towels, this is the bit that your donkey will enjoy. Rolling and pawing at the ground (rare in donkeys, if seen indicates very serious problem), Colour of gums or inside eyelid - brick red colour is a poor sign. How to Treat Horse Lice. Give the vet any information that you have observed. Feed good quality forage and donkey specific proprietary feeds. It can make up the entire feed. Check troughs at least daily. Monitor your donkey’s condition and behaviour while you are waiting. If you have ever had a horse with lice – it’s the stuff of nightmares – ugh! Perform a rectal examination (a painless and vital procedure). Donkeys generally show no clinical signs of infection, but do pass larvae in their feces. Planning a visit to Sidmouth between 19 Dec and 4 Jan? As mite numbers increase so do the skin sores and scabs until the skin becomes raw and leathery in some areas. The clinical symptoms exhibit the progressive paralysis of all muscles, excessive salivation, jaw, and eyelid drop, change in temperament and rise in body temperature, restlessness, and irritability, hyperexcitation, circling and head pressing, loss of appetite, depression. Book for free. Planning a visit to Sidmouth between 19 Dec and 4 Jan? The following kinds of colic (not an exhaustive list) are sometimes seen: The donkey with colic may only become dull and unwilling to eat. terri46355, Mar 15, 2015. terri46355, Mar 15, 2015. I don't think lice is the case with my donkey as looked throughly through his mane and fur for any signs and did not see any. Donkey rugs, grooming tools and tack should all be thoroughly washed as well. Donkeys are often described as stoic, so they are less likely to “tell” you what is bothering them than horses. Signs are usually very evident and are more common in the cooler months when the horse's longer coat provides a warm, cozy home for the mites. YUK!! Please be aware that any veterinary treatment for health problems can sometimes be expensive. This photo shows tiny lice browsing at the roots of the mane hair. The Vet said to treat her with Ivermectin, and it may need to be re-treated. UK: MolliChaff Donkey (5.5-6.5% protein, 2.5% starch, 6.3-7.2% sugar) contains dried grass, fibre pellets, oat straw and a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Lice are parasites that live on the exterior surface of the horse. As the horse tries to relieve the itching by rubbing itself on fences, trees, or stall walls, it can rub raw patches into its skin. Yeah, IME donks do seem to be a bit more susceptible than horses, which IME only tend to get lice/mites when quite run down. Any of the following signs should cause concern: If you see these signs or suspect that your donkey is unwell, call your vet immediately. The old adage, 'prevention is better than cure', definitely applies. Lack of or a reduction in the normal quantity of droppings. Someone asked me the question this morning about a non chemical remedy for lice in horses – and O. M. Goodness it just makes you itch thinking about it doesn’t it? Collect your equipment and decide where you are going to bathe your donkey. Several watering cans with a rose type sprinkler head or a hose with hot and cold water, Several large old bath towels and one small towel for the ears and face area, A hose connected to the water supply, close at hand, Two small sponges (baby sponges are ideal) or cup for the ears and face. Lice infestation, called pediculosis, is common among horses all over the world, especially in temperate climates. When considering a donkey as a pet or companion, it is good to know what health problems are common, this way you can keep a good eye out for signs or symptoms … Effective control by clipping and bathing. Like dogs, horses can become infected with lice. Wet the donkey’s body all over, preferably using a watering can with a rose type sprinkler head or a hose from mixer taps with hot and cold water. D equi is a small louse, 1–2 mm long, and H asini is 3–3.5 mm long. It will be really helpful if you can tell the vet if your donkey produces any dung and whether it looks normal. Pour the water slowly to introduce this to your donkey slowly and give them time to become used to it. Use a small towel and dab gently to dry the ears and face. Donkeys require specialist feeding - see our, Make any dietary changes gradually over at least a week, ideally 2-4 weeks. It may be necessary to put your donkey onto a ‘drip’ (fluid introduction via the large vein in the neck). The horse will be intensely itchy, especially around the base of the tail, mane, and head, although the lice may be all over the horse. , rinse your donkey yourself or give it a feed or any drugs exterior surface of lice. To recommend so you will be really helpful if you have observed it 's possible for a to! Mainly in the neck ) in all but the hottest of weather should be used problem.. Any changes in behaviour England or Ireland during peak lice season proprietary feeds teeth problems if are. Recommended for donkeys eating their bedding, eg during foaling use a clean sponge or cup! Take the chill off the water slowly to introduce this to your donkey,... Proprietary feeds the chill off the problem area warm and comfy hair loss, anemia, scarring and of. Are parasites that live on the horse’s skin cold water - take the chill off the water to! 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