She also went on to say, “The woman goes and lives with her in-laws and is accepted as part of the family there. Black women Child poverty 5. A consequence of the continuation of the lobola custom in modern society may be an unintended negative impact to the current woman agenda. Plus, some men feel so empowered that they take on another traditional wife, thus. Southern Africa - Southern Africa - European and African interaction in the 19th century: By the time the Cape changed hands during the Napoleonic Wars, humanitarians were vigorously campaigning against slavery, and in 1807 they succeeded in persuading Britain to abolish the trade; British antislavery ships soon patrolled the western coast of Africa. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions It claims that conflict in Africa does not always stem primarily from crises of national governance and the failure of governmental institutions in African countries to mediate conflict, and revisits the colonial factor as the root of many conflicts in Africa. Lastly, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that lobola has largely morphed into a commercialized practice. “It just seems like buying a person,” he’d said. The borders Africa's new countries were left with were the ones drawn in Europe during the Scramble for Africa with no regard to the ethnic or social landscape on the ground. Purchase this issue for $25.00 USD. ©2000-2020 ITHAKA. Lastly, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that, has largely morphed into a commercialized practice. This question prompted me to rethink the lobola tradition that once seemed so logical and so normal to me, and to rediscover its intended purpose and meaning. But as soon as those words spilled out of my mouth, I felt an uneasiness as I realized that those words were in direct contradiction to the gender equality ideology I subscribe to: why aren’t the parent’s of the male also rewarded for raising a good son? A key reason why age at marriage and entry into childbearing are so weakly linked stems from problems in defining marriage in Africa. acknowledge that the meaning of the custom has eroded over time. It wasn’t until I was living in Australia and was confronted on the subject of, by a Caucasian guy whom I was dating, that I started to have doubts about the tradition. In traditional African society, men guarded the home and the cattle, or went to war. Bride wealth has often been termed as purchase money. This may be one of the reasons why men have more bargaining power and can do less work in daily life after they are married, yet demand hard-working wives. What do you think? If anything, the "Rainbow Nation" is … Go to Table Unlike Western marriages where two people can run off to Vegas, and it is just about the two of them, serves as a reminder that not only is it two people who get married – it’s two families,” this is what a married female African friend of mine told me when I asked about her thoughts on the custom. “I think lobola in our modern society serves as a reminder of our identity, culture and practices we abide to. Marriage takes many forms in Africa. I’d joke among my African female friends that we’d surely fetch large sums of money, because of our private school education we’d best find suitable partners who could afford us! To understand bride wealth, one must first understand marriage and its essence in African communities. Given the rapid cultural changes operating in Africa, it seems likely that, within a decade or two, polygamy as a pastoral problem will be replaced by western style divorce and remarriage. Access supplemental materials and multimedia. This article investigates links between ilobolo (bridewealth) practices and marriage outcomes in contemporary Zulu society. © 1978 American Anthropological Association It limited women’s independence and perpetuated unequal gender power relations, especially regarding health-seeking behavior.” Suddenly we see that the flip side to the man treasuring the marriage more because he parted with resources to marry, might be a sense of ownership over the woman. The tradition of bridewealth is widely practiced in Sub-Saharan countries, in parts of North Africa and the Middle East and in many Asian and Pacific Island countries. investigating the influence of the bridewealth custom on domestic violence against women and reproductive health revealed that, “, Participants perceived bride price as indicating that a woman was ‘bought’ into the man’s household, which reduced her household decision-making roles. In the past, the amount paid as the bride-price was a nominal amount, usually in the form of an ax. Even supporters of. Political corruption, lack of respect for rule of law, human rights violations are all common reasons heard for some of the causes of Africa’s problems. The leading causes of … We (Africans ) do not understand the business. In my case, I got to spend some time with my in-laws before going to live with my husband, and it was a good time to get to form a friendship and know my mother-in-law as well as meet most family members.”. MadameNoire is a sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion trends, Even other cultures, like the Indian culture, have generally become more relaxed about similar traditional marriage customs. custom also argue that the practice protects women: it incentivizes families to invest in their daughters through education and other means to potentially increase their “value,” it gives the woman’s family some assurance about the financial stability of the groom-to-be, and it gives the woman official wife status in the community. Bridewealth, payment made by a groom or his kin to the kin of the bride in order to ratify a marriage. advice and career trends - and MadameNoire provides all of that. One lady pointed out that, “These days, with the [higher] education and literacy rates, anyone can earn their living without the dowry.” While another lady added that, “Education and financial independence of women have changed the way spouses treat each other.”. I’d joke among my African female friends that we’d surely fetch large sums of money, because of our private school education we’d best find suitable partners who could afford us! was simply just another fact of life and, dare I say, something that I looked forward to participating in one day. We've joined the BHM Digital family of websites and have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. In former years, women did not have many rights, were not financially independent and a woman’s value was measured by her child-bearing ability; things have since changed and I’d say that a lot of those former presuppositions about a woman’s role in society no longer hold, even in modern Sub-Saharan African societies. Unlike Western marriages where two people can run off to Vegas, and it is just about the two of them, lobola serves as a reminder that not only is it two people who get married – it’s two families,” this is what a married female African friend of mine told me when I asked about her thoughts on the custom. “Bridewealth is not about purchasing the woman- it’s just a gift to the parent’s of the woman to thank them for raising a good daughter,” I explained. 1. tradition that once seemed so logical and so normal to me, and to rediscover its intended purpose and meaning. Love and marriage are complicated enough as is without the added pressure from traditional customs that many no longer resonate with modern times, especially in the face of rampant perversion of the custom. The subjects of these colonies often had many identities that trumped their … Competition for wealth and the desire for independence from more powerful kingdoms shaped West African societies. But as soon as those words spilled out of my mouth, I felt an uneasiness as I realized that those words were in direct contradiction to the gender equality ideology I subscribe to: why aren’t the parent’s of the male also rewarded for raising a good son? Perhaps it’s about time that we, Africans, retire bridewealth to history books and novels. Islamic laws and customs have shaped the institution of marriage in North Africa and in some nations of western and eastern Africa. The bride price is what it sounds like—a specific price (property, money, etc.) So what is the difference between the dowry and the bride price? for allies in Africa to establish a counter balance weight to Soviet hegemony and western imperialism. Select a purchase In recent years, modern life, industry, […] As a Black girl growing up in Sub-Saharan Africa, I never questioned the merits of the long-standing bridewealth custom (locally referred to as … Death occurrence in the African continent is mainly due to diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and respiratory infections. This item is part of JSTOR collection By continuing to use this site, you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Bridewealth occurs in 29 percent of societies and is commonly know as a transaction where "substantial property (e.g., animals, money) which the groom or his relative give to … Poverty in Africa - Map of the places connected to electricity network Better off rich or poor? Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. It suggests that the one function of bridewealth common to African societies is the legitimation of marriage, a function that enhances rather than diminishes the status of women in the African context. of Contents. Traditional Indian culture calls for a dowry to be paid by the bride’s parents to the groom, but from the Indian ladies whom I corresponded with on this topic, all of them said that dowry was, broadly speaking, no longer a requirement to marry in modern Indian society. These average life expectancy figures are the lowest compared to other continents. In such cultures, a marriage is not reckoned to have ended until the return of bridewealth has been acknowledged, signifying divorce. She also went on to say, “The woman goes and lives with her in-laws and is accepted as part of the family there. I also take issue with the muroora duties that the woman is expected to perform for the in-laws after the lobola is paid; these duties mainly consist of stereotypical feminine chores such as cooking, cleaning and child rearing. * The Chinese who are coming to do business in Africa get rich in 5–10 years. It wasn’t until I was living in Australia and was confronted on the subject of lobola by a Caucasian guy whom I was dating, that I started to have doubts about the tradition. doesn’t necessarily protect the woman from infidelity. in our modern society serves as a reminder of our identity, culture and practices we abide to. Plus, some men feel so empowered that they take on another traditional wife, thus lobola doesn’t necessarily protect the woman from infidelity. paid by the bridegroom (or his family) to the bride’s parents. The first European observers of bride wealth arrangements concluded that it constituted an actual purchase of wife akin to buying a slave. corruption, ethnic violence), many economists argue that the absence of economic growth is in part due to a detrimental geography that impacts on … Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. The women worked, caring for the house, the crops, the children. American Ethnologist is a quarterly journal concerned with ethnology in the broadest sense of the term. Also, since in many past societies, women did not receive an inheritance from their parents, the dowry served as a substitute for the woman’s inheritance. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. This question prompted me to rethink the. As a Black girl growing up in Sub-Saharan Africa, I never questioned the merits of the long-standing bridewealth custom (locally referred to as lobola or roora). According to the latest figures from the World Inequality Database, the top 1% of South African earners take home almost 20% of … This chapter considers several forms of wealth transmission at marriage. Throughout the continent, the diversity of systems reflects the traditions, religions, and economic circumstances of a wide variety of distinct cultures. For some of us who are not so inclined, this would definitely be a source of contention, as. “No, you misunderstand the culture,” I smugly replied. Three shortcomings of previous studies of African bridewealth and its relation to the status of African women are: they are based on a limited number of societies, they usually consider bridewealth mainly in terms of the interests of the male members of African societies, and they are essentially etic models that cannot adequately account for many important features of bridewealth payment. While some people fiercely defend the custom, others call for its complete abolishment, and still some are undecided. It suggests that the one function of bridewealth common to African societies is the legitimation of marriage, a function that enhances rather than diminishes the status of women in the African context. Over time, the practice evolved to providing cows or other animals as the form of payment, and in present day has become even more commercialized with payment made in cash to the tune of as much as $17,000 (which, depending on the bride’s family’s tradition, might be paid over a number of years or as a lump sum). custom in modern society may be an unintended negative impact to the current woman agenda. issue. The number of lives claimed by illnesses over the last couple of years has been over a million deaths annually. When the plague was devastating Europe, civilizations such as Mali and Songhai were thriving in Africa. option. As a form of transmission of property at marriage, bridewealth payment is associated with specific social institutions and structures. All Rights Reserved. Families are of supreme importance in Africa, and the bridewealth payment cements this relationship. If anything, we actually lost a better standard of living by being taken to America. A 2005 study investigating the influence of the bridewealth custom on domestic violence against women and reproductive health revealed that, “Participants perceived bride price as indicating that a woman was ‘bought’ into the man’s household, which reduced her household decision-making roles. For example, high bride- For some of us who are not so inclined, this would definitely be a source of contention, as lobola perpetuates heteronormative gender roles. The study finds little evidence to support previous conclusions about the functions of bridewealth and women's status in Africa. Poverty and crime 3. This is as a result of many misinterpretations given to it. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. ). With a growing open access offering, Wiley is committed to the widest possible dissemination of and access to the content we publish and supports all sustainable models of access. The study of the reasons why some countries achieve sustained growth that allows them to develop while many others cannot do it and seem not to be able to progress has been at the core of economics since the days of the founding fathers of the discipline (i.e., Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, and their critic, Marx), whose concern duties that the woman is expected to perform for the in-laws after the lobola is paid; these duties mainly consist of stereotypical feminine chores such as cooking, cleaning and child rearing. The empire of Mali endured from the early 13th century to the late 15th century. It limited women’s independence and perpetuated unequal gender power relations, especially regarding health-seeking behavior.”, Suddenly we see that the flip side to the man treasuring the marriage more because he parted with resources to marry, might be a sense of ownership over the woman. Anecdotally speaking, Africans remain divided on the lobola issue. I certainly understand the importance of cultural preservation, but aren’t cultures dynamic? Request Permissions. A consequence of the continuation of the. As if that’s not bad enough, female reproductive rights and sexuality are also undermined by the custom. I certainly understand the importance of cultural preservation, but aren’t cultures dynamic? African marriage is a family matter, and binds two families in a lasting relationship, that anthropologists call affinity. While the lobola custom may have sprouted from good intentions to protect women, we can’t ignore that the custom was designed by people of long ago for people of long ago. Women in poverty While some people fiercely defend the custom, others call for its complete abolishment, and still some are undecided. Check out using a credit card or bank account with. makes the man treasure the marriage more.“If something doesn’t cost you anything, you won’t take care of it,” he said. Last year, we were able to reach over 9.2 million people with our health and nutrition initiatives, and improved the food security and livelihoods of 4.5 million. Income inequality in South Africa has deepened. By engaging the colonial factor in African conflicts, this article seeks to understand the ineffectiveness of efforts at conflict management in overcoming the disasters that brought the conflicts to the African continent. Supporting Concern means that $0.90 of every dollar donated goes to our life-saving work in 23 countries around the world. seek information on a wide variety of topics including African-American hair care, health issues, relationship custom may have sprouted from good intentions to protect women, we can’t ignore that the custom was designed by people of long ago for people of long ago. These inadequacies have led to conflicting results and ungeneralizable conclusions. Traditionally speaking, the payment of bride price in Africa is a practice that … Lobola was simply just another fact of life and, dare I say, something that I looked forward to participating in one day. Love and marriage are complicated enough as is without the added pressure from traditional customs that many no longer resonate with modern times, especially in the face of rampant perversion of the custom. Many proponents of the lobola custom also argue that the practice protects women: it incentivizes families to invest in their daughters through education and other means to potentially increase their “value,” it gives the woman’s family some assurance about the financial stability of the groom-to-be, and it gives the woman official wife status in the community. Depending on the society and the period, this could be either a set price for all brides (virgins having a higher price) or a negotiated price based on the perceived worth of the girl (beautiful or especially industrious women being more highly valued). The study finds little evidence to support previous conclusions about the functions of bridewealth and women's status in Africa. dominated the analysis of African bridewealth often sees it and the related practices of divorce, rights in children, conjugal rights, marriage stability and so on as functionally related in some logical but variable way in different societies. Introduction Globalization has become a major topic of discussion and concern in economic circles since the mid-1990s. Bridewealth has no precise analogue outside of Africa, but the bridewealth transaction is comparable to the Western marriage contract in certain respects. In former years, women did not have many rights, were not financially independent and a woman’s value was measured by her child-bearing ability; things have since changed and I’d say that a lot of those former presuppositions about a woman’s role in society no longer hold, even in modern Sub-Saharan African societies. Aside from political and social reasons (e.g. The editor welcomes manuscripts that creatively demonstrate the connections between ethnographic specificity and theoretical originality, as well as the ongoing relevance of the ethnographic imagination to the contemporary world. Bridewealth exists in societies where manual labor is more important than capital. Although, not the only reasons, some often overlooked root causes also include the following: The Legacy of European Colonialism European colonialism had a devastating impact on Africa. The article reconsiders the conflict man… Below are seven reasons why this practice is still be recognized in most African countries, especially in Nigeria. The study finds little evidence to support previous conclusions about the functions of bridewealth and women's status in Africa. A fact that many people are not aware of is that in many ways West African societies were more advanced than even European societies were. From a male perspective, my unmarried African friend asserted that lobola makes the man treasure the marriage more.“If something doesn’t cost you anything, you won’t take care of it,” he said. It is clear that the trend toward more integrated world markets has opened a wide potential for greater growth, and presents an unparalleled opportunity for developing countries to raise their living standards. In my case, I got to spend some time with my in-laws before going to live with my husband, and it was a good time to get to form a friendship and know my mother-in-law as well as meet most family members.”, From a male perspective, my unmarried African friend asserted that. Causes of poverty 2. It is an African custom Traditionally speaking, the payment of a bride price whenever marriages are contracted in African societies has long been recognized in its entirety. With a personal account, you can read up to 100 articles each month for free. As an attempt to surmount these difficulties, this study examines data on bridewealth from the perspectives of both sexes in sixty societies representing various principles of descent and postmarital residence rules. Marriage is defined by Maxwell Assimeng (1999) as “the coming together of a man and a woman from two different clans to establish a family such that offspring could ensue to replenish and perpetuate the … * The only industrialized nation we have in Africa is South Africa. MadameNoire ® Copyright © 2020 BossipMadameNoire, LLC All Rights Reserved | BHM Digital, As a Black girl growing up in Sub-Saharan Africa, I never questioned the merits of the long-standing. Has become a major topic of discussion and concern in economic circles since the.. As the bride-price was a nominal amount, usually in the world, according to the kin of the,. Where manual labor is more important than capital African societies 25 years of democracy, South Africa the... Claimed by illnesses over the last couple of years has been over a deaths. Article Online and download the PDF from your email or your account supreme importance in Africa South! 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