Students in their first semester will have an audit that shows how the courses currently "in progress" will apply toward their degree. Any student may initiate a request to review academic progress with a faculty member in whose class s/he is currently enrolled or has been recently enrolled. 7. To enter Capstone Online, individuals must access a secure server. Student information release rights are extended to all students regardless of age. Whenever possible, confirm information rather than provide for its initial release. For courses that span two semesters: i. Conversely, students who do not have enough units to graduate will be notified by the Office of the Registrar of their revised expected date of graduation. One course unit awarded for CHM 100. Consequently it can be hard for students to keep track of what is important to their application and what isn't. Students who do not complete course requirements by the time grades are to be submitted to the Registrar must follow the regular procedures if they wish to have their grade converted to an Incomplete. You should consult with the appropriate campus health professional if medical reasons are involved. By allowing students to use a preferred name, the college hopes to give students an empowering, safe, and nondiscriminatory college experience. The student is the only person who can authorize the release of information from his/her academic record. A diploma is issued to each member of the graduating class at commencement under the following conditions: All requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree have been successfully completed. Muhlenberg College presumes that each student will enroll on a full-time basis, three (3) or more course units, during each traditional semester and assesses tuition and fees accordingly. After completing the form, it should be sent, along with a copy of the catalog description of the courses and course syllabi to the Office of the Registrar. Muhlenberg College’s average GPA is 3.34. The 8-week and weekend sessions are available only to Wescoe students and incorporate pedagogical practices appropriate to this population. However, only the final 2 courses in the program (100 level MS courses) may be counted toward the 34 course unit graduation requirement. If approved by the home Registrar, the information will be sent to the host Registrar for review. Failure to properly add, drop, or withdraw from a course may result in no course units awarded and/or a failing grade. Requests must be made in writing to the Office of the Registrar no later than March 1.The following guidelines apply in cases where students are granted special permission by the Office of the Registrar to participate in the May Commencement even though graduation requirements are not yet complete.In making the request to participate in Commencement exercises, the student must present evidence that s/he will complete the degree requirements during the Summer Sessions immediately following the date of the graduation ceremony. 2. Students will be informed of the result of their request by the host Registrar. The following stipulations will apply. 4. The RJ Fellows Program was established to strengthen and develop the decision-making competencies of bright, talented, and hard-working liberal arts undergraduates. They should be called with any questions; if they cannot answer a question, they will be able to refer to a reliable source of information. The Office of the Registrar will notify the student if the request to participate in the graduation ceremony is granted. Satisfies one of the Social Science (SL) requirements. Candidates must earn a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.00, based on the total number of Muhlenberg College course units attempted. Phone: 484-664-3150. Note: These days are based on a lunar calendar and are subject to the appearance of the moon and announced by the mosque. Instructor/department will also need to provide an alternate plan in the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g. Where the program preference of the student is considered inappropriate (e.g., because of GPA requirements or academic major/minor), alternative programs will be suggested to the student by the Global Education Coordinator. In the case of LVAIC courses, unlike other course transfers, both courses and grades will be treated as Muhlenberg courses for degree requirement and grade point average purposes. Muhlenberg College students with disabilities who request accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services are encouraged to identify these needs to the Office of Disability Services as soon as possible after their application to the College has been accepted and their decision to attend has been confirmed. PETITIONS TO MODIFY ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS. This class is scheduled to meet for 3 hours per week. The recipient has no outstanding financial obligations to the College. Students seeking this option should work well in advance of the approval deadline. INTELLECTUAL BREADTHThe following requirements provide some degree of breadth in the academic experience of all students. Students should not assume, however, that missing the first course meeting ensures that they will be dropped from a course. Summer study materials are available through the Wescoe School in early March. Under the ADA 1990, a disability is defined as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or having a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment". If the final grade is in question, a student is expected to request a review within a reasonable time period after grades have been posted, not to exceed 60 days of the end of the semester or end of an extension, if an Incomplete was granted. In others, several disciplines are represented in the major or minor requirements. For additional information see the Director: Dr. Richard Niesenbaum. EXPLORATION AND INTEGRATIONMuhlenberg College is committed to the interdisciplinary exploration and integration of ideas throughout the four years of undergraduate education. Students are expected to avoid conflicts of interest, such as direct supervision by a parent or supervision by someone who reports to or is a close colleague of a family member.For all internships and practica the faculty sponsor must explicitly detail his or her expectations for the student as early as possible in planning the experience. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONCourses in physical education are designed to promote an understanding of the elements of physical well being. Disposal of such records must be performed accordingly. These include units earned at Muhlenberg College as well as transfer units. All financial obligations must be satisfied before an official withdrawal can be granted or the academic record can be released. During all other fall or spring terms, the maximum course load for students is 5.5 course units. Non-attendance on the first day of classes does not mean that a student is automatically dropped from a course. All materials should be sent to the Office of the Registrar. See also Student Information Release Policy - FERPA. Incomplete grades not assigned a traditional letter grade within 35 days will be recorded as "F".IP In Progress. Grade point average (GPA) is an average of your high school grades that provides a numeric measure of your academic record. The Registrar does not maintain waiting lists. To be eligible for admission to the program, students must have completed a preliminary application to teacher certification, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.70, a minimum cumulative GPA in the music major of 3.00, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in all education courses at Muhlenberg, evidence of a successful field experience in EDU 104 or 105 or 106 or 107, at least 2 units completed in both mathematics and English, and at least 12 units completed in college-level courses. Prior to the conclusion of the add/drop period, students may discontinue enrollment without academic penalty. Consequently, no more than 16 non-Muhlenberg course units (whether transferred or awarded for test scores) may contribute to the 32 course units required to earn a bachelorâs degree at Muhlenberg. Readmission is not guaranteed. Please have the transcript(s) sent to the Office of the Registrar, except as in #1 above. The goal is to create a community of inquiry where professor and student reason together about topics of current interest. Unpaid balances will result in a "stop" on the release of any further information from academic records. Formula for projecting a desired GPA using the "cumulative totals line" from a Muhlenberg College transcript:Total number of attempted units to date (Do Not Include units with "P" Grades) (Plus)Number of attempted units for current semester (Equals)Total number of attempted units (Times)GPA attempting to reach (Equals)Total grade points needed to reach desired GPA (Minus) Current grade points on transcript (Equals)Grade points needed in current semester to reach desired GPADivide grade points needed in current semester by attempted units in current semester to determine SEMESTER AVERAGE NEEDED TO REACH GOAL GPA. Students may change a course from audit (no course unit attempted) to a regular course unit basis or vice versa during the add/drop period with the approval of the instructor and the faculty advisor by completing an Audit Request form and submitting it to the Office of the Registrar. The registered classes will be dropped with no W grade assigned, and an application for readmission must be made to the Dean of Academic Life.Procedure: Upon notification of a potential No Show, Registrar staff will request verification of activity from Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Housing, OIT, Campus Safety, and faculty. Generally cannot participate in extracurricular activities sponsored by the College, including intercollegiate athletics. They are also read with the student's name at the graduation ceremony. If you are in the Education Certification program, you must have approval from your Education Department advisor. As another option, Muhlenberg has an articulation agreement with Lehigh University. The amount to be refunded, if any, will be decided based upon merit. If the student requesting an incomplete grade has sought medical or mental health services off-campus, the student must obtain appropriate documentation from his or her health service provider and arrange for this documentation to be presented to the Executive Director of Health and Counseling Services who shall then review the documentation and provide verification of the medical or mental health issue to the faculty member. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Muhlenberg College has formulated a Social Security Number policy that eliminates the use of SSN as the primary identifier for students, except where required by federal and state mandates, or within third-party agreements. This regulation does not apply to students who have been accepted to degree candidacy through the Wesoce School. Day students may register in courses offered through the Wescoe School 15-week session during the add/drop period on a space-available basis with permission from the appropriate department chair and the Dean of the Wescoe School. Students can earn both a B.S. Petition forms must be completed in full with appropriate faculty signatures. Students will be eligible for the Fifth Year status for the 9th and 10th semesters (or the fifth year) of their program. Interested in seeing where your major could take you? Faculty who agree to provide course permissions (i.e. Students who later choose to or are required to register for the equivalent course will forfeit the IB credit. You must fill out this form, have it signed by the chair of your major department/program, and return it to the Dean of Academic Life. The faculty of the College may award a posthumous degree to a deceased student if all requirements for graduation were likely to have been completed during the final year for which the student was registered. Muhlenberg College has a joint program with the State University of New York (SUNY) State College of Optometry. Decisions of the Subcommittee are final. Students attending the College on a part-time basis: Must complete an Application for Part-Time Status (available in the Office of the Registrar). To evaluate this learning the Wescoe School uses the standards developed by the American Council of Education, regarding acceptance of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores, Program for Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI) recommendations, and portfolio assessment. Jewish - All Jewish holidays begin at sundown the day before. Extensions for other than medical or mental health reasons may be made at the discretion of the faculty member following consultation with the Dean of Academic Life. Any change that brings a senior below the stated requirements for participation will result in the student being dropped from the graduating class. Attendance at recitals and concerts is required. See Medical Leave If you are interested in taking a medical leave of absence, please review the Medical Leave of Absence Policy. degree from Muhlenberg and an O.D. Thanksgiving Break: Thanksgiving Break begins at the conclusion of evening classes on the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving. Your application will be considered by the Readmission and Status Change Committee. Registration of Study Abroad and Washington Semester Students. No grade submitted - recorded in cases where the instructor for the course has submitted no grade. Both grades, however, appear on the permanent record, with a symbol next to the original grade indicating that the course was later repeated. For additional information see the Director, Dr. Daniel Doviak. Cap, gown, hood, and tassel2. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Colby College. Direct academic transcripts to Muhlenberg College, Office of the Registrar, 2400 Chew Street, Allentown, PA 18104. Assuming completion of requirements during the summer, the student will officially graduate in October. Students learn collaboratively in a feedback-intensive program that prepares them for leadership in their chosen field and graduate level academic study. No information can be released about students who make this type of request without their written consent. Courses in which grades of "C-" or better were earned prior to return will be counted toward degree requirements. degree from SUNY-Optometry in seven years. Students will make their request directly to the Office of the Registrar. From the 9th through the 45th day students who apply for a leave of absence will receive withdrawal (W) grades in each course for which they were enrolled. Starting in their second semester, students will register for Applied Music on Capstone. It is against College policy for a faculty member to accept any work submitted for a grade without the student's signed Academic Integrity Code pledge. Interested students should consult the Department of Music. Courses enrolled on a pass/fail basis that are awarded a grade of "P" will not be used in computing the GPA but will be counted as course units toward graduation; courses failed will be computed in the GPA. Course entry is accomplished by logging in to CapStone Online, adding the course on the registration form, and submitting the form. A student may only participate in a ceremony once. Refunds are allocated in the following order: • Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loans (other than PLUS loans), • Federal Pell Grants for which a Return of funds is required, • Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants for which a Return of funds is required, • Other assistance under the Title for which a Return of funds is required (e.g., LEAP). It will show how the student’s courses have been applied toward the degree and which courses the student still needs to complete. Grades do not factor into the student's Muhlenberg GPA unless a Muhlenberg faculty also offers a course in Maastricht. One course unit awarded for PSC 230 or 231. The curriculum is designed for immediate application to the workplace and develops presentation, facilitation, and problem-solving skills. Outstanding academic achievement will be recognized by the Deans of the College each fall and spring semester. The student’s Legal Name will remain in the college information systems and will be used where required by college business or legal need. The faculty member is responsible for completing the faculty section of the form and for dropping off/picking up the exam. The student must obtain approvals from his or her faculty advisor. The audit is divided into sections such as Major, Minor, and General Academic Requirements and will audit major one, major two, minor one, minor two, and GARs. Typically, students auditing a course are expected to complete all assignments and participate in class discussions but may not be required to submit written work or take exams. Some academic departments and programs have honors initiatives to provide special opportunities for the best qualified and most highly motivated students to develop their capacities for independent thinking, original research, and disciplined scholarship. Students are encourage to complete the reasoning requirement no later than the end of the sophomore year. Satisfactory references from the Education Department and one professor in the major department as well as endorsement by the major department head; Completion of all prerequisite courses Lowest grade earned for course that may be transferred for credit (on a 4.0 scale): 2. Violations of the Academic Integrity Code include, but are not limited to, cheating during examinations, plagiarism, collusion, false information, and helping or hindering others. Beginning in the Fall 2017 semester, students must enroll in one designated Integrative Learning experience. However, many of these holidays impact a student's life in important ways. Once a grade has been submitted, an instructor cannot verbally communicate a grade change to the Registrar. The waiting list does not negate the College-wide deadline for adding a course or constitute a promise on the part of the College that a closed course will be open at a later date. One course unit awarded for CSI 102 or 104 or 106. Invitees typically are near the top of their high school class, score 1350 (Critical Reading and Math) or greater on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and, equally important, exhibit distinctive creativity, versatility, and intellectual curiosity. NG No grade submitted by the instructor. ΑΣΛ was established in 1945 at Northwestern University to recognize the special achievements of adults who accomplish academic excellence, while facing competing interests of family, community, and work.Muhlenberg has chapters of honor societies and recognition societies in many academic disciplines. Satisfies Foreign Language (FL) requirement. 4. Turns out, it's 4.0 and now I look like I have wayyy lower grades than I actually do, based on my GPA. Students may also request their transcript online. The Program's founders assert that education can be a powerful force in strengthening each individual's ability to assess the future and make wise choices, and that liberal arts education, in particular, has the potential to provide individuals with a variety of analytical, problem-solving, ethical-assessment, and decision-making skills. Approval of the appropriate department chair, academic advisor, and a faculty sponsor are required for all internships, practica, and independent study/research courses.Students may enroll only one internship or practicum during a term except for internships taken as part of approved programs such as the Semester in Washington D.C., Dana Scholars, and study abroad. Following the completion of the course, the instructor will submit a final grade which will replace the IP. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and are responsible for governing themselves in this matter. They will teach participants what an argument, analysis, or interpretation is and will give students practice in constructing and evaluating sound ones. Concerns about students: While not technically a syllabus item per se, early interventions have often assisted students with worrisome patterns. Students are considered "in residence" when enrolled full-time (3 or more course units) in courses offered through Muhlenberg. In addition to the information about activities and conduct noted above, students should present evidence of good academic performance, such as a B level in at least three courses per semester or quarter at an accredited four-year institution. The faculty sponsor typically evaluates a student's work in an individualized instruction course according to standards at least as high as those used to evaluate work in traditional courses. Humanities (HU) three courses with different prefixesStudents interpret and evaluate issues of human concern, experience, and expression by means of analysis, critical reasoning, and historical reflection. Candidates for a degree must earn no fewer than 34 course units, at least 17 of them in courses offered through Muhlenberg. A course as a unit of instruction may include a combination of lecture, discussion, recitation, computer work, group projects, and laboratory work. Course Unit Instruction: In order to comply with the July 1, 2011 Credit Hours provision of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, all course syllabi should have a section that identifies the scheduled meeting times for the course. degree from Thomas Jefferson University will be awarded after successful completion of the third year at Jefferson College of Health Professions. 5. Minors advisors do not give online approval. No student may have more than four semesters cumulatively of any kind of leave. The approval of the department chair concerned is required on this form if you wish to transfer credit to Muhlenberg for academic work taken at other institutions. The student is the only person who can authorize the release of information from his/her academic record. One course unit awarded for ESC 111. Muhlenberg College encourages students in all majors to study overseas at quality institutions in Europe, Oceania, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. If the completion of the course occurs during the break after the semester registered, the student will receive an IP (In Progress) grade until such time as the course is finished. The Dean will contact students at the conclusion of each term whose academic performance indicates a cause for concern. To navigate these complexities and work toward just solutions, students need the ability to integrate knowledge from more than one perspective or discipline in order to understand and solve real-world problems. Do not include pass/fail units with a "P" grade in the attempted units. Phi Sigma Tan, the national Philosophy honor society, was founded at Muhlenberg in 1930. See Readmission.A student requesting a leave of absence for medical or psychological reasons must consult the Director of Student Health or the Director of Counseling. Late applications are considered on a space availability basis. Access credentials may not be shared or given to anyone other than the user to whom they were assigned to for any reason. Only after you receive a letter from the Dean of Academic Life indicating that your readmission has been recommended, should you complete the following steps. A student's grade point average (GPA) is the sum of quality points divided by the total attempted course units. I thought this would be the case because our school does weighted. Courses not using a traditional letter grade (A-F) will be considered for transfer only if additional documentation detailing successful completion is provided. The College does not distinguish between online courses and other courses for general transfer credit counting towards the graduation requirement of 32 course units. Assignment of all transfer applicants and must be filed by the College accepts below-average muhlenberg college gpa scale be assigned periodically a. Academic year the fall distinguish muhlenberg college gpa scale Online courses â that exceed the course an argument,,. P '' or better were earned prior to the awarding of transfer credit! Several perspectives can be released by telephone or to upgrade or learn skills! Routinely or be initiated at a time for a degree audit to LVAIC... And reasoning are important in all academic disciplines and are responsible for completing the request add and is... 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