2. TACTICS. He gains a decent ATK and DEF boost of 100%, and not to mention, he gives an additional Ki +2 and ATK and DEF 20% to all allies, and when combined with STR Cooler's support, they can help their teammates gain humongous amounts of damage. Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%, "Terrifying Conquerors" or "Transformation Boost" Category Ki +3, HP +130% and ATK & DEF +170%, "Power Absorption" or "Majin Power" Category Ki +4, HP +130% and ATK & DEF +170%, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. There will be bumps in the road, some larger than others. Frieza and LR Cell provide healing while the two LR Broly provide the finishing blow. Despite this, he can dish out a lot of damage and recover a lot of your HP. Double the leader, double the power, double the fun, and double the giant forms, This should be an easy EZA, If a less defensive unit, such as STR Frieza is going to take a lot of hits, it's probably better to put him off rotation https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Tactics:_Extreme_Z-Battle:_Unparalleled_Golden_Ki_Super_Vegito?oldid=1170124. And he's a floater, so tanking is not so reliable. His passive gives him a 15% boost (up to 80%) in ATK. F2P extreme leader, good damage due to double attack and pretty good defense, gain attack and defense by ally of the category Wicked Bloodline, Support Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +25%; and reduce damage by 25%, Reduces damage received by 30% and gain Defense with each attack receive. If you do decide to challenge yourself and use this team, Godspeed, you magnificent bugger. Orb camera_alt. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle VIDEO'S LIKE GOAL: 900, LET'S GET IT! full details for the angel golden frieza celebration! 17. If you don't,you can keep Golden Frieza since his EZA buffed his damage reduction just keep him off rotation of Janemba. Versatility is the golden rule; a Card with more categories or a broad and strong Leader Skill will usually be valued higher. Overall, he's a fantastic unit to have, links great with the team too! Community content is available under. This is going to require you to have SA 10 on most of, if not all, of these guys, some decent Hidden Potential activation (55% at least, I'd say), luck and maybe some tedious searching through the friend list. How strong the Card is post-EZA. Floater unit until a better is found. I used similar units to beat it. 2. Links extremely well with Int Metal Cooler to get Ultra Super Attack. 2238. Video Title: ONE OF THE BEST EZAS! Main floaters: TEQ Frieza and Metal Cooler (Support). One of the best cards for the EZA, this Cooler packs a punch! 3. With his insanely high stats, immense damage multiplier, and his 12-15% ATK and DEF boosts per Ki sphere obtained, Perfect Cell can do crazy amounts of damage and be as effective at blocking as Golden Frieza. Transforming Frieza will serve as your primary leader for this team, as he has the highest stat boosts among all of the Extreme TEQ Transformation Boost units (unless you have obtained Golden Frieza's Extreme Z-Awakened Leader Skill which is more or less the same). With Frieza’s post-EZA stats, both the 80% and 50% Damage reduction will make this Card a phenomenal tank. On EZA Watch. Category Leader; Recovers 12% HP at start of turn. He continues to increase his attack power and HP regained but at the cost of his defense as he transforms. The STR Meta Cooler pretty much the same as his other F2P buddies aside from having a different type and passive. You'd be foolish not to have him on your team. 100% RAINBOW STAR FULLY EZA GOLDEN FRIEZA SHOWCASE! I have TEQ Frieza with 3 dupes and Golden Frieza is rainbow (at least he will be if I feed him the orbs). While he may not be able to transform into his 2nd Form, due to the fight being over fairly quickly, this Frieza can still hit very hard! One of the best units in the game, and despite his type disadvantage on this team, he is still a monster on this EZA! The leader of the. His additional DEF is calculated separately, meaning at max stacks, he gets +204% DEF from his Passive Skill alone. The True Golden Frieza, released from his imprisonment and awakened through tense training, is easily one of the best cards on this entire category. 12-17 Ki SA is infinite ATK Stacking. Search: Tim Burton Vinyl Figure: Pin Cushion Queen (9-inch) Hold on there -- adult items have been removed from this list. For a unit who has aged, he's great on this EZB! My god, the days of "Golden Frieza has no passive below 50% health" are finally over! Recover 70% HP, and all allies' ATK +25% for 2 turns. Any turn that your HP is below 40% and he is on rotation, heal for 25% of total HP. A nuker that can also heal (when Extreme Z-Awakened) and tank hits, Perfect Cell is a jack-of-all-trades unit that is a must-have for this event. Links extremely with Metal Cooler Army. As I mentioned before, Angel Golden Frieza is a good choice for a friend as well, but I feel this card's a little better for this EZB. Dokkan battle eza ranking ; Posted: (3 days ago) The Dokfan Battle Wiki is a free-to-use wiki where users can create fanmade cards based on the battle cards featured in the mobile game Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle.It has 6,825 articles and 23,658 files. EZA Broly Ozaru Turles Tapion WT Cooler??? It took a combined effort of Golden Frieza using his death beams to restrict his movements and allowing Gohan to go on the offensive to final take Dyspo out. Hope the TEQ Golden Frieza EZA gets revamped and he comes along with it. This event can be pretty easy with this team as long as you take advantage of the blocking abilities that Golden Frieza, Golden Cooler, and Perfect Cell provide along with Transforming Frieza's and Super Buu's healing skills. Awoken. Sure, he's not the best unit in the world for this EZA thanks to being AGL type, but trust me, this steely freak doesn't let it hold him down. Enemy Lv. Situational floaters: Golden Frieza, Angel Golden Frieza. Heals, does damage but because of it's typing it can receive a lot of damage. Meta Cooler Core is an invincible defensive wall that can also deal some damage, which is awesome in its own right! Almost the same card as the others, but different type and passive, 80% stat buff, links with whole team, yadda yadda yadda. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He will receive one of the best EZAs in the game, his Passive Skill becomes: ATK & DEF +90% at start of turn; DEF +15% with each attack received (up to 60%). Awakened UR Azure Omnipotence - Super Saiyan God SS Vegito Super PHY. The song itself features Frieza as a motif, and is used as a "battle song" during one of the battle scenes in the film. He may not give as much of a boost to the team as Meta Cooler or Angel Goldie, but he is an amazing friend to have. While he may have a simple ATK and DEF boost of 80%, but when this man receives an attack, he becomes an absolute monster, gaining an ATK boost of 100%, and since it is calculated separately, he gains an ATK boost of 260%, allowing this man to beat the tar out of Golden Frieza. Golden Frieza. New Frieza Army - Brainiacs - Coward - Cold Judgment - Thirst for Conquest - Prodigies - Shattering the Limit Joined Forces - Terrifying Conquerors - Final Trump Card - Battle of Wits Sneaky Last Resort Golden Frieza & Sorbet (EZA) | Dokfan Battle Wiki | Fandom Try to tank when you can and LR Cooler and INT INT Cooler should always be on the main rotation. Golden Frieza. That's all I have to say about this guy. 2048. All you have to do is watch Android #21's placement during the higher levels (25+) so she isn't getting bombarded with attacks, and you're gold. 12 Ki Multiplier is 130% That's one hell of an upgrade that I can't wait to get on my rainbow one. The True Golden Frieza, released from his imprisonment and awakened through tense training, is easily one of the best cards on this entire category. Frieza will receive a straight 20% damage boost. The heart and soul of this team, this Meta Cooler is an absolute beast. Frieza is a zoner in a game about rushdown. Frieza's movement speed will be increased by 70%. One of the best cards for this EZA, high stats and an upgraded passive. Another recommended rotation includes the shining duo of Golden Frieza and Golden Frieza (Angel). or Extreme AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. While in this form, the user becomes several inches taller, as seen when Frieza transforms and he grows from his normal height of about 153cm/5'0\" and becomes a few inches taller, although the height change sometimes varies. 1/80: TEQ, INT & STR Type HP & ATK +20%: Earth Breaker - Causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Supreme Evolution - ATK +40% at start of turn: Prodigies - ATK +10% Universe's Most Malevolent - ATK +15% Revival - Ki +2 Super-God Combat - ATK +15% Resurrection 'F' - ATK +10%: Max. Video Title: HOW GOOD WILL THE EZA MAKE THEM? 1. New Frieza Army - Brainiacs - Coward - Cold Judgment - Thirst for Conquest - Prodigies - Shattering the Limit Joined Forces - Terrifying Conquerors - Final Trump Card - Battle of Wits Sneaky Last Resort Golden Frieza & Sorbet (EZA) | Dokfan Battle Wiki | Fandom Tanks really well and hits hard. Video Title: ONE OF THE BEST EZAS! The more dupes you have, the further you can go. If you already have Transforming Frieza as your leader on this team, then I'm sure you already know what this guy's all about. I used a EZA golden Frieza lead and a teq LR Broly friend. 1225. He doesn't have any superpowers other than heightened senses, an incredible martial arts technique, and his absolutely aesthetic devilish suit but sadly, these just aren't enough to beat Frieza let alone his Golden Form. Unfortunately, he cannot perform his guaranteed critical hits, due to Vegito not being a ", From healing, to hitting hard, and defending very good, this Frieza can do it all! The second part of PHY Meta Cooler's passive does allow him to restore 15% of the damage he deals as health! 1. While there are no other Dragonball Heroes Category units on this team to fully take advantage of his Passive Skill, he is still able to give himself 100% boosts to his ATK and DEF as well as give his allies boosts of Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +20%. SA heals for 10% of damage, and lowers enemy ATK & DEF by -20%; When transformed, no longer heals from damage done, instead heals for 13% at start of turn. The rest of my units were transforming Frieza, LR first form cell, raditz, merged Zamasu, and EZA perfect cell. This Frieza recovers a good 11% HP the moment he enters the ring, and gets an 80% boost in ATK and DEF in 1st Form. Final Form Frieza medal location: Humiliation and Despair [Boss: TEQ Final Form Frieza] Golden Frieza medal location: Destiny Packs a Punch [Boss: INT Golden Frieza] You will only need a AGL, INT and PHY team. Not the best tank or damage dealer but still very useful. However, it is not possible to use a mid-air jump and then use an air dash. 1/80: TEQ, INT & STR Type HP & ATK +20%: Earth Breaker - Causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Supreme Evolution - ATK +40% at start of turn: Prodigies - ATK +10% Universe's Most Malevolent - ATK +15% Revival - Ki +2 Super-God Combat - ATK +15% Resurrection 'F' - ATK +10%: Max. How good the EZA is itself, or how big of an upgrade the EZA was for the Card. Since all of these units are Extreme TEQ and belong in the Transformation Boost category, you will be able to get the most out of both attacking and defending against Vegito. Increased Drop: No increased drop: No Tactics available: Obtain Super Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta through the Dokkan Event and aim for Extreme Z-Awakening! Superale2 is a fanfiction author that has written 7 stories for Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール, Fairy Tail, Anime X-overs, and RWBY. Recover 70% HP, and all allies' DEF +50% for 2 turns. Thanks to his Passive Skill, Golden Frieza can reduce damage done to him by 70% and raise his ATK by 70% when your HP is above 50%, making him a beast of a tank. The best Extreme TEQ support unit in the game, he creates TEQ ki spheres, gives a massive 3 ki and 50% stat support, greatly lowers attack on super, and gains 20% ATK+DEF per orb. https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Tactics:_Extreme_Z-Battle:_Fire_of_Vengeance_Golden_Frieza?oldid=1078557. He gains an ATK and DEf 80% at the start of turn, and recovers 11% of HP. It's time to go wild with Goku and the rest of the Z Warriors crew in the new iOS/Android game, Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. Everyone else floats. Resurrected Warriors Lead and Int Lead. If your HP falls below 50%, Cooler's core will barge out of his metallic mothership, awakened and ready to rampage for two turns, awesome music from his event included! Frieza will receive a straight 20% damage boost. video title: int kid buu eza incoming! Does okay damage. While not the best tank in the team he can still take hits well and do great amount of damage. That only applies to Super Class units. However, it is not possible to use a mid-air jump and then use an air dash. Assuming Golden Freiza is equal to SSB Goku and Vegeta, a 100% Golden form would likely not be enough to allow him to overtake x20 or SSBE. If he gets an EZA he could definitely find a spot on extreme INT. Heals, tanks, and has category advantage; allowing him to do major damage. 100% RAINBOW STAR FULLY EZA GOLDEN FRIEZA SHOWCASE! Has Category and Type advantage in this event. It heals you right at the start, so does it count? While the DEF 30% is kind of bad, his Super Attack solves that problem, raising his DEF by 30% for 3 turns, so it's not a big deal. 100% RAINBOW STAR EZA AGL GOLDEN FRIEZA! Not to mention, if you fall below 50% or below, (which will probably happen in the higher stages of this EZA), he will turn into his Giant Form, allowing you to dish out damage, without taking damage, meaning its a win win if you have low HP, (unless you have AGL Cooler off rotation, which isn't recommended). TEQ Meta Cooler is pretty much the exact same card as his brethren, just with a slightly different passive and different type. TEQ Frieza is crazy good, especially when he transforms and he tanks really good as well. Used as a backup healer, as he is not very powerful. My god, the days of "Golden Frieza has no passive below 50% health" are finally over! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Another must-have card for this event, this Frieza is the boss! Decent damage, additionals which can be clutch. Will have an EZA soon on GBL, which will give him healing and damage reduction. Damage received reduced by 35% for 2 turns. Just thought too, AGL Golden Frieza should get similar when they do his based on this EZA. 1. Once again, any medal appears to be droppable from any of the stages with the exception of Golden Frieza, so nothing is guaranteed. 100% EZA TEQ GOLDEN FRIEZA SHOWCASE! This is a very easy win. INT Frieza (Rainbowed) AGL Cooler (Rainbowed) AGL Golden Frieza (41%, unEZAed) TEQ FF Cooler (SA 2 75%) and AGL F2P Angel Frieza (LVL 80 SA 1, 41%) From what I remember, you should do AGL Coolers EZA first. A floater, so this is definitely a concern Ki and ATK % RAINBOW STAR EZA... Spot on Extreme INT the main rotation activate, due to none of the damage he as! Of his defense as he transforms and he 's a fantastic unit have. In the `` also serve as an excellent link partner for Super Buu is an absolute beast with... 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