The other members of this family in the Reserve are willows.48 Cottonwoods are distinguished from willows by the broad triangular leaf shape, by the flower clusters (catkins) which are pendulous instead of erect and by the fact that the flowers lack nectary glands. Previous Next. A Populus fremontii in Rock Creek Road, Inyo County, CA is registered as a California Big Tree. The bark and leaves could be used to make poultices to reduce inflammation or to treat wounds. Description. Make a visit to check out the current floorplan options. A California native riparian tree. Cottonwood bark is smooth when young, but becomes thick and ridged with age. A great gray owl perches on a dead cottonwood tree and surveys the area around it for voles while hunting during a snow storm. See more ideas about Cottonwood, Carving, Wood carving. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Fremont Cottonwood - Populus fremontii ssp. Fremont Cottonwood Populus fremontii. Pronunciation: pop-U-lus free-MONT-e-i. Fremont Cottonwood Populus fremontii subspecies fremontii For a week or two, this material blankets the ground and surrounding objects in cottony masses, giving the tree its common name. • Usually occurs with coyote willow. Named after 19th century American explorer John C. Fremont, it is similar to the Eastern Cottonwood, differing mainly in the leaves having fewer, larger serrations on the leaf edge and small … Fremont's cottonwood trees range from 12 to 35 meters in height, and trunk diameter ranges from 0.30 to 1.5 meters. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Scientific Name: Populus fremontii. Fremont's cottonwood is a native tree growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers and wetlands in the American Southwest. They are found within many different vegetation types below 6500 feet (2000 m) throughout California, in other states of the southwest United States and in northern Mexico. It's not the thick Cottonwood Bark like the Plains and Eastern if I get 1 1/2" thick bark I'm thrilled and check the base of that tree often. Birds are attracted to these trees to feed on the abundance of insects. 44 Native Americans ate the inner bark of Fremont cottonwood for antiscorbutic. Yellow-green. Fast-growing, Populus fremontii (Western Cottonwood) is an upright-spreading deciduous tree with stout branches clad with heart-shaped, bright green leaves turning a lovely yellow in fall. Home » Cottonwood Fremont. Native Americans ate the inner bark of Fremont cottonwood as an antiscorbutic. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. Bark and leaves were used to make poultices to relieve swelling, treat cuts, cure headaches, and wash broken limbs, and to treat saddle sores and swollen legs of horses. Fremont Cottonwood Bark. Male tree in bloom| Rios trailhead | March 2010, Although we found numerous references to uses of Fremont cottonwood by native Americans,34,95 the details for use by Kumeyaay are scarce; they include a reference to use for structural, medicinal, utilitarian and ceremonial purposes.18, Like the related willows, cottonwoods contain salicin, a precursor to aspirin and numerous tribes used cottonwood bark or leaves as a tea or poultice for internal and external maladies.95, The Chumash, living around the Santa Barbara Channel, used cottonwood for house poles and occasionally made dugout canoes from the larger logs. Fremont Cottonwood . This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 1 It may have an upright columnar form that can reach to about 7-90 feet (21-27 meters) in height and 2-3 feet (0.6-0.9 meters) in diameter. It also thrives in floodplains and dry riverbeds, where infrequent rains transform dry land into waterways. This tree … On mature trees, the ash-gray bark is divided into thick, flattened ridges, separated by deep fissures. On mature trees, the ash-gray bark is divided into thick, flattened ridges, separated by deep fissures. Fremont's cottonwood trees range from 12 to 35 meters in height, and trunk diameter ranges from 0.30 to 1.5 meters. The Fremont Cottonwood is a cottonwood native to North America, growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers, and wetlands in the southwestern part of the United States, and downwards into Mexico. Fremont cottonwood has been widely planted as an ornamental and a shade tree, and used as a windbreak throughout the southwestern United States [92,97,104]. Populus fremontii is a deciduous Tree growing to 25 m (82ft 0in) at a fast rate. Leaf buds make an excellent ointment for burns and skin irritations. The male flowers are tightly clustered and the outer portions of the anthers are often tinged pink. Fremont's cottonwood is a native tree growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers and wetlands in the American Southwest. Fremont’s Cottonwood (Populus Fremontii) Named after an American explorer in 19 th Century, Fremont’s Cottonwood is sometimes also called Alamo Cottonwood. It requires a groundwater source shallower than 10-12 feet. The inner bark of Fremont cottonwood contains vitamin C and was chewed as an antiscorbutic, or treatment for vitamin C deficiency. Jack Dykinga / Fremont cottonwood trees (Populus fremontii) with autumnal leaves, Coyote Gulch,Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA. Flowers: Male flowers bright red, female flowers green (March-April). P.O. Conversely, Fremont cottonwood is dependent on a persistent source of water. Come see Cottonwood Place today. The inner bark of Frémont's cottonwood contains vitamin C and was chewed as an antiscorbutic, or treatment for vitamin C … The Fremont cottonwood is a tree that grows in riparian areas near streams, rivers, and wetlands in the American Southwest. Sign up for email updates, including trail openings/closures, new event announcements, and more. The bark is smooth in younger trees, becoming deeply furrowed with whitish cracked bark with age. Roots can be invasive as Western Cottonwood develops an extensive root system that can buckle sidewalks and damage sewer lines. Autumn color is a warm yellow. Adds 36 in. Younger twigs and branches are smooth, shiny, gray to red-brown to orange. Many of the new stems grow straight up from the old growth. The Fremont Cottonwood is susceptible to infestation by burrowing and leaf eating insects, and by parasitic mistletoe. Leaves are heart shaped with white veins and coarse crenate-sarrate teeth at… Check these Great Plant Combination Ideas with Populus - Poplars, A Spectacular Summer Planting Idea with Dahlia, Zinnia, Chinese Aster and Ammi visnaga, A Stunning Plant Combination Idea with Dahlia and Sage, An Easy Summer Planting Idea with Sage and Ornamental Grasses, A Cheerful Spring Border Idea with Tulip 'Jan Reus' and Daffodil 'Falconet', 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Fremont's cottonwood trees range from 12 to 35 meters in height, and trunk diameter ranges from 0.30 to 1.5 meters. Only plants will be removed from the collection. Pueblo tribes used pieces of the trunk to make drums. Male and female flowers are borne on different trees, appearing in March and April,1 before the leaves. Close-up macro of texture in bark, Fremont's Cottonwood tree. Although seeds remain viable for only a few weeks after dispersal, they are numerous and may be wind-carried for several miles; almost exclusively, they sprout in areas opened by recent flooding. Fremont cottonwood is adapted to wet conditions and to regeneration after floods. The tree was named after 19th century American explorer and pathfinder John C. Frémont. The bark is smooth in younger trees, becoming deeply furrowed with whitish cracked bark with age. Fremont cottonwood was used in the past by settlers and ranchers for fuel and fence posts. Easy to replicate, this bulb... Great for small gardens, borders, containers or in a vase! The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Fremont Cottonwood (Populus fremontii) • Medium to tall tree with broad, open crown, usually 50 to 75 feet in height with trunk diameters of 1 to 4 feet. Growth rates of 30 feet in a year have been reported.83 The pale grayish bark is smooth in young trees, becoming darker and deeply furrowed as the tree ages.5Leaves are smooth and triangular, 2 – 3 inches (5 – 7.5 cm) long, slightly broader than long, with a rather abrupt tip. Fremont’s cottonwood is a native tree growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers and wetlands in the American Southwest. Post Cancel. Fremont’s cottonwood is a native tree growing in riparian areas near streams, rivers and wetlands in the American Southwest. Poplar and aspen bark is cracked or ridged but some species like Quaking Aspen have birch-like bark. Botanical Name: Populus fremontii . Bark and leaves were used to make poultices to relieve swelling, treat cuts, cure headaches, and wash broken limbs, and to treat saddle sores and swollen legs of horses. Height: 40 to 80 feet. Reaching heights up to 60 feet, Fremont cottonwood is one of the few tall trees in the Reserve. In the desert, it needs weekly watering during hot weather if roots cannot tap the water table. Western Cottonwood Populus fremontii subspecies fremontii Habitat & Elevation Streambanks below 9,000′ Collection Resinous Bud: winter; Leaf, Inner Bark: spring Indigenous Names Konkow wylyly; Mountain Maidu lylym, wylylym c’a. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): wherever a fever needs reducing or an antiinflammatory is appropriate (Moore 1979). Close up of the amazing furrowed bark of an ancient cottonwood tree in fall with leaves just starting to turn. Important for birds and butterflies, A good shade tree or specimen to be grown on large properties away from residential areas or in rural areas along streams or ponds where other large trees may not flourish. Family: Salicaceae. Fremont's cottonwood trees range from 12 to 35 meters in height, and trunk diameter ranges from 0.30 to 1.5 meters. Glossy yellow-green leaves are virtually triangular with coarsley toothed margins 2" to 4" in width. The leasing team is ready and waiting for you to visit. The bark and leaves were used to make poultices to relieve swelling, treat wounds, and cure headaches. Fremont's cottonwood (P. fremontii) is native to the southwestern United States and western Mexico. Fremont cottonwood grows only on wet soil and is an indicator of permanent water and shade. Box 230634 Trunk is smooth in young trees and becomes deeply furrowed with white cracked bark. Old cottonwood tree and cliffs around Fruita, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. They are associated with streams and lakes throughout arid, western North America. Water Requirements: Moderate-High. They are characterized by flowers that lack petals or sepals and which are densely clustered in catkins. Trees may be referred to as male or female. Bark is thick, grayish brown, shallowly furrowed, and shaggy. Glossy yellow-green leaves are virtually triangular with coarsley toothed margins 2" to 4" in width. They made women’s skirts from the bark of living trees which was dried and softened by working it with their hands.15. Fremont cottonwood is a dicot angiosperm in the willow family, Salicaceae. The female flowers give way to capsules that split open to release clouds of cottony seeds that can be a temporary nuisance. Native to California and central Rockies south to Mexico. Fremont cottonwood definition is - a poplar (Populus fremontii) of the southwestern U.S. and especially California and Arizona with whitish bark and deltoid orbicular yellowish green leaves. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. fremontii. In the wild, cottonwood grows along rivers, ponds and other bodies of water. Aigeiros. Male and female catkins occur on different plants.44. An ancient cottonwood tree grows in the bosque, the gallery forest along the flood plain of the Rio Grande, in Corrales, New Mexico. I moved away from using it for in-the-round bark houses. Remarkably robust, Rosa californica (California... Populus alba (White Poplar) is listed in the... Andrey Zharkikh, Laura Camp, Katja Schultz (Flick). The bark is the most effective part for tea but is rather bitter; for this reason the leaves are often preferred. Propagate by fresh seeds, cuttings or layering. Leaf buds make an excellent ointment for burns and skin irritations. Populus fremontii, commonly known as Fremont's cottonwood or the Alamo cottonwood, is a cottonwood (and thus a poplar) native to riparian zones of the Southwestern United States and northern through central Mexico. It is one of three species in Populus sect. The Narrows in Zion National Park, (near Springdale, Utah) is a section of canyon on the North Fork of the Virgin River. 01572912 . We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. As the tree ages, the bark becomes deeply furrowed with cracks. Fremont Cottonwood Bark. Multiple canker diseases can impact a Fremont cottonwood, appearing as sunken areas of dead tissue on the trunk or a branch. In early-mid spring, clusters of long drooping catkins appear on separate male and female trees. It may be best known for its shade and gently whispering leaves on a hot summer day and for its buttery fall color. The Fremont Cottonwood, also known as the Western Cottonwood or the Rio Grande Cottonwood, Populus fremontii, occurs in California east to Utah and Arizona and south into northwest Mexico. Turning a striking bright yellow in autumn. ˈfrēˌmänt noun Usage: usually capitalized F Etymology: after John Frémont died 1890 American explorer : a poplar (Populus fremontii) of the southwestern United States and especially California and Arizona with whitish bark and deltoid orbicular… Worldwide shipping available at Fremont Cottonwood . General: Fremont's Cottonwood (Populus fremontii) is a tall, stately tree with a rounded top, heart-shaped leaves, and thick gray, furrowed bark.. Fremont's Cottonwood is found along washes, rivers, and other wet areas in the Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zone.Family: Willow (Salicaceae).. Other Names: . Fremont Cottonwood Bark: When I was just starting out carving with bark, I bought quite a bit of Fremont Cottonwood bark from Arizona. In Arizona, the Hopi consider Fremont cottonwood to be sacred. The bark is smooth in younger trees, becoming deeply furrowed with whitish cracked bark with age. Cottonwood is the best tree bark for woodcarving! Branches cut in the winter are extremely light weight. A large tree grows just east of the Rios trailhead and several are associated with the willows at the Nature Center, and at La Orilla, Santa Carina and Santa Inez trailheads. Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) is a deciduous tree related to willows, characterized by nearly triangular leaves and small seeds carried on the wind in cottony masses. Fremont Cottonwood Seeds. Fremont cottonwood Populus fremontii. Leaf buds make an excellent ointment for burns and skin irritations. Click on a picture to see a larger version - press "back" to return to this page after viewing. Senior Member. Prefers gravel to sandy soils that flood periodically. Members of this family, which also includes poplars, are important members of riparian communities. Trunk diameter ranges from .30 to 1.5 meters. Deer Creek Canyon, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA, October. Native Americans. (3-4 m). Background from poplar bark. Encinitas, CA 92023 It is in flower from March to April, and the seeds ripen in April. The Fremont Cottonwood, also known as the Western Cottonwood or the Rio Grande Cottonwood, Populus fremontii, occurs in California east to Utah and Arizona and south into northwest Mexico. The bark, which is usually harvested in the fall after a tree's death, is generally very soft and easy to carve. Flowers: Male flowers bright red, female flowers green (March-April). Scientific Name: Populus fremontii Size (height & diameter): Up to 75 ft (22.9 m) tall, and 5 ft (1.5 m) in diameter Habitat: Lowland riparian; it is a dominant tree in riparian areas in the park. Fremont Cottonwood syn. Fremont Cottonwood, Western Cottonwood, Gila Cottonwood, Alamo. Jan 25, 2020 - Explore Cliff Borgerding's board "Carving.. Cottonwood Bark Projects", followed by 432 people on Pinterest. Fremont cottonwood definition is - a poplar (Populus fremontii) of the southwestern U.S. and especially California and Arizona with whitish bark and deltoid orbicular yellowish green leaves. It has a broad, open crown and stout, widely spread branches. Populus fremontii, commonly known as Fremont's cottonwood or the Alamo cottonwood, is a cottonwood (and thus a poplar) native to riparian zones of the Southwestern United States and northern through central Mexico.It is one of three species in Populus sect. Dams have reduced stream flow and groundwater pumping has lowered the water table. Fast-growing, Populus fremontii (Western Cottonwood) is an upright-spreading deciduous tree with stout branches clad with heart-shaped, bright green leaves turning a lovely yellow in fall. Native Americans ate the inner bark of Fremont cottonwood for antiscorbutic [18,100]. Most, if not all, of the Fremont cottonwoods in the Reserve, are supported by year-round runoff from surrounding communities. • From 2,000 to 6,500 feet, mostly in the southern portion of the region. In addition, Fremont cottonwood can reproduce by suckers from roots and by resprouting from stumps and root crowns after damage to the main tree. Art. The tree is native to the … Seeds: Hanging clusters of fruit dispense cotton-like seed (May-June). Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. Just one of millions of high quality products available. Meet a new place to live at Cottonwood Place in Fremont, CA. Description. Low maintenance, this beautiful tree may be subject to aphids, beetle borers, beetle leaves, caterpillars, anthracnose, canker, crown rot, mistletoe and sooty mold. Lone cottonwood tree and windmill. 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