Using this process might take a long time but growing grass in CLAY is not happening. Johnny overheard my conversation with the landscape supply clerk: I purchased three-(3) pallets stacked with the C-SAS; Johnny followed me home and commenced “scraping” our front yard and scraped the side yard twice with that rugged machine; the front yard and side yard look a thousand times better after the “Erth Food” and “Bulk Topsoil” devastated and killed our lawn. I had my septic system replaced last year. For your lawn, rent a core aerator … We are in Southern Manitoba. There are A LOT of weeds, and also moss in my sister’s lawn. And also planting grass is another good method to improve the soil because it also holds the soil from erosion. Apply seed and water in as desired at this point. Lawns should be aerated every 2-3 years, and if yours is due, start with a nice core aeration. Top-dressing involves some physical labor, but the process is really just a few simple steps: Lawns should be aerated every 2-3 years, and if yours is due, start with a nice core aeration. Jonathan Green Mag-I-Cal® Plus is a unique soil food that combines Mag-I-Cal® and Love Your Soil®. Your body will absorb the nutrients considerably better. Jonathan Green’s Mag-I-Cal® Plus for Alkaline Soil, your local independent hardware stores and garden centers. Thank you, Jerry. Is the Soil Improver safe? Over the past two years i’ve aerated twice a year and then reseeded, top dressed with an inch of compost over the lawn repeatedly. Fingers crossed for a lush green lawn. Because clay soil can become compacted easily, place about 3 to 4 inches (7.5-10 cm.) We have a client who would like sand added to his garden beds during tilling. To work clay soils successfully, the moisture content has to be right. -Do you think so? gave it a light mow, then I applied my composted soil that has worms all over. Thatch is a layer of … All rights reserved. Water just seems to go straight to China. You can buy one at your local hardware store or garden center or at Now the compost or amended soil left behind on the grass May be 1/2 inch or more where there are uneven ground. Firm in the roots of recently sown patches to ensure they establish well. Lawns grow best in soil that is slightly acidic to neutral (between 6.2 and a 7.0 on the pH scale), and a balanced pH will increase microbial activity in the soil. Ri. Peatmoss is great…mix with sand will make the peat moss go much further…. For the past 18 months, since I bought the house, I have selectively added a bag of Home Depot’s standard TOP SOIL about every week or so. My grass is dead and I only covered it with a 1/2 inch of top dressing. My soil and seed when on last week. Good soil in your garden helps retain nutrients and hold enough water for your plants to grow. Add mushroom soil to your lawn. Use soil improver to add organic matter into your garden as a multi-purpose compost, … Most homeowners and lawn maintenance professionals choose to aerate the lawn, which helps improve compaction and increases oxygen absorption. Flowers, gardens and landscapes will do well in soils with 4 to 6 percent organic matter. It sells out VERY FAST once it hits. Thank God I met Johnny W. at the landscape supply! Rent a rear-tine, self-propelled … A single application (1-2 bags) will have no negative impact on the yard and I don’t rake–it just drops between the grass. Tread the Soil. THICK'R Lawn contains soil improver for enhanced root development, seed to fill gaps with new grass, and fertilizer to feed new grass and thicken and green existing turf. The top soil is hand applied like brown sugar over an apple tart. Backed by his 40-year remodeling career, Danny served as the home improvement expert for CBS’s The Early Show and The Weather Channel for more than a decade. We will buy the top soil and peat moss but it it cost worthy to hire a dump truck full delivered and have them smooth out. After filling in the low spot, either replace the old sod or re-seed the area. Jonathan Green Mag-I-Cal ® Plus is a unique … That leads to a healthier soil environment and overall improved vigor in everything above ground. How much sand do I add to help him? Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. When soil pH is too high, Jonathan Green’s Mag-I-Cal® Plus for Alkaline Soil which contains sulfur and calcium sulfate dihydrate will lower the pH, improve root penetration, and promote growth. Keep working the mixture until your grass peeks through and the depth is even. Sandy soil, while having its advantages, will leech these essential ingredients. This effort essentially and effectively “Killed” our lawn. So why not to use … I plan to add top-dressing over several years. No fungus, not wet, but very rock hard soil. Where can a good topdressing product be purchased? Your ingredients need to be dry and sifted until there are no clumps larger than ¼”. Who can you trust these days? Thanks much for all the great help! As mentioned above, organic fertilizers help improve your soil’s ability to retain water. Foot traffic and lawn machinery can compact the soil under your lawn, creating a difficult environment for grass... Reduce thatch HGTV’s Paul James found a perfect topdressing, but they taped over the name on the bag. For a lawn where only the top layer of soil has gotten compacted, the simplest option may be to aerate your lawn. THANK YOU. Soils with at least 2.5 to 3 percent organic matter are preferable for growing lawns. Some areas it can be purchased from your local landfill at a fraction of the price of topsoil. So what’s a homeowner to do with an established lawn that’s in need of some serious help? You said that grass would grow through 1 inch of Top dressing. It continues jumping alll over what was a weed/grass lawn. Better Homes and Gardens Home Improvement Challenge 2008 Slideshow, Cubic Yard Calculator — Start Here Before Purchasing Materials, Beautiful, Affordable Storage Solutions for Every Room, Teak Table Trouble & The Long Distance Call. You cannot over lime but be generous it’s cheap., this is much like putting A nice black pepper on your meal. How to Change Soil pH for Lawn Grass. I’ll have to ask her this year if she does that. My first step was I tilled the soil, place about 1″ of Scotts Lawn soil into the bare spot,worked the new sod into place and topped dressed with more Scotts over it. Now you’re ready to get started. You have entered an incorrect email address! Any clues as to why?? There are three basic methods you can use to aerate your lawn: Spike aeration- pokes holes in the turf; Plug aeration- removes cores of soil… Now after two years the lawn is thick and green much healthier. Keep in mind that you’re adding soil, which over time will raise your grade and affect thatch breakdown and soil ecology, so don’t go overboard. 4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Lawn Aerate if the soil has a clay problem – then applications of Gypsum are called for. The article appears that it will be helpful, but I have a couple of questions. The goal is to provide a better environment for roots. It is as simple as that. Buy a few 4×8 pieces of plastic lattice panel. My mom started getting topsoil every year to help her garden. If it’s too … I’m not sure she watered it though after we dressed it, I think we just left it there. At this point you’re technically finished, but in my experience a good top-dressing mixture does some settling. Reduce the need for supplemental fertilizers, Transform your lawn into organic, low-maintenance, healthy turf, Sharp sand (not sea sand which contains lime), Loam or topsoil (a fine crumbly soil that is neither clay nor sandy), Peat (or compost if your soil needs a nutritional punch, but be prepared for sprouting weeds! I pick low spots, bare spots, places that are not even, etc. Seed will mix with existing lawn and top dressing. I would like to bring some topsoil in, so that I might take care of some uneven terrain in my yard. Age is catching up with us and we love green grass! Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. For sandy soil, reduce the sand. We’ll show you how to change your … Plan several light applications for troublesome yards, rather than one deep one. Geez Louise! The pH level of the soil is vital to growing lush, green lawns. Rick The FARMER. My yard was compacted and full of weeds. While lime adds calcium and makes soil less acidic, gypsum … Depletion of nutrients due to leaching, neglect, or repeated use of chemical fertilizers. Rabbits have made some bad problems what am I doing wrong? Apply granulated powders lime with hand as it is difficult with a spreader as it is dense.PH value and fertilizer effectiveness will be immediately enhanced. You can make your own top-dressing using a mixture of: For average loamy soil, mix these three ingredients equally. The common denominator to why all his plants and lawn are thriving is the soil. Results may vary based on current condition of the lawn. ). The lawns cannot have a better plantation without fertilizers. PGF Complete lawn fertilizer. I plan to do this forever, I think. At the opposite end of the scale from sandy soil are clay soils. Different soil conditioners do different things for different soil types. Most gardening recommendations include “working” organic matter into the soil through digging or tilling prior to planting, but this can’t be done once the grass has grown. © 2020 Today’s Homeowner Media. Adding organic matter to the soil … This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Now you can replant grass in any bare spots. Healthier plants mean deeper roots, better water filtration, and drought tolerance. Visit Jonathan Green online to learn more about how to improve lawn soil and grow a lawn that’s the envy of your neighborhood. I know I will need topsoil again, but sadly it is nearly impossible to find a honest broker that sells good topsoil as described in your article. What to do in Florida sandy soil area where runoff has taken quite a bit away and is showing large roots? Aeration loosens up the top level of soil without a lot of invasive digging that will disturb your grass. Thoughts? The grass has been terribly neglected for many years. Till the soil. Now, six generations later, we remain committed to producing superior lawn and garden products. I’m thinking several seasons not an overnight improvement, its about an acre. The gypsum should be applied once a year to maintain the soil and prevent the “hardpan” of the clay from forming. will topdressing work to reestablish a front lawn that is nothing but weeds over time? Johnny has his own irrigation and lawn business: he was a gift from God he offered a very cost saving tip. Organic Fertilizers. I know one meticulous gardener who top-dresses small patches as he finds them, whereas I brought in a truckload of top-dressing mixture and had an autumn marathon. You can also address deeper spots by adding a couple of inches of top-dressing each year, slowly building it up over time. Almost can watch it. These hold water and nutrients very well but don’t drain as well as sandy soils, especially if compacted, a common situation for lawns with a clay soil base. Aeration and top dressing with compost is very effective. THICK'R Lawn contains soil improver for enhanced root development, seed to fill gaps with new grass and fertilizer to feed new grass and thicken and green existing turf. I seeded it and then put a thin cover over the seeds. I’m with Mike, where can you buy topdressing? The information on danny lipford’s site is great; however, I tried numerous times to reprint article on topdressing and am unable to . Ffor a large area, is there a way to mechanically spread the soil, such as with the types of spreaders used to apply fertilzer? Great for all lawns … Hence if you have clay soil in your lawn, you must improve its quality so that the lawn is healthy. A healthy lawn starts with healthy soil, so the answer is YES, our soil improver contains a natural and organic base to stimulate natural soil … Check with your local landscape supply yard – they often have a blended topsoil mixture on hand. I was talked into ‘top dressing’ by the company that applies fertilizer/weed killer to our lawn 6-7 times a year. I am told my soil is sandy loam but it is vey high in sand content and it since I saw the home being built, I know that the soil is the same consistency as deep as they dug to put in my basement. I’m usually the one that has to come over and spread it out too. Dump a wheelbarrow or few bags of soil on top. My question is will this help seat the sod and allow the roots to grow or am I just defeating the purpose and killing off this new sod in these spots. We keep reseeding bare spots in our lawn for the past 3 years. Thank you for your help! Our soil is a gravely mix. Top-dressing addresses some common lawn problems, including: Top-dressing gradually improves soil over time. SO…. Then maybe adding some weed and feed to gradually make more improvement. Thanks! What should be done about those, and when? Soil improvers Multi-functional soil improver is a popular substance used to develop and care for your outdoor space. His extensive hands-on experience and understanding of the industry make him the go-to source for all things having to do with the home – from advice on simple repairs, to complete remodels, to helping homeowners prepare their homes for extreme weather and seasons. The best way to improve the quality is by top dressing the lawn with compost and fertilizing it organically. I like to flip the garden rake back and forth from the flat side to the tine side, carefully combing the grass to get the top-dressing mixture settled on the soil surface. Our innovative formula will quickly raise the soil pH and feed soil microbes with humates to help the lawn grow greener and healthier. Jonathan Green is a leading supplier of top-quality cool season grass seed, soil enhancers, fertilizer, and organic lawn and garden products to sod growers, consumers, and independent retailers, including garden centers and hardware stores, across the United States. Once you’ve levelled the soil, it’s time to tread it, or ‘heel it’ as some people say. Make sure the top-dressing is no more than 1” deep (preferably ½” or less) over the existing grass. If your lawn is growing in a poor clay soil, it will always be prone to the problems that come with clay. A nice, thick lawn requires healthy soil as its base, but it’s difficult to make changes to the soil once grass has been established. In the spring and summer of 2018 our lawn became a carpet grass, crab grass and weed producing “Monster”! Improving soil structure and relieving compaction aren't the only ways that gypsum benefits your lawn and garden. Of all the online research I’ve done and several landscapers I spoke with, I believe your article offers the most detailed information on the topdressing process. A highly neglected lawn may need a total lawn overhaul. If your soil’s pH is too low, treat it with Mag-I-Cal® Plus for Acidic Soil. I’m watering every day with high hopes for positive results on my 3 year old new construction lawn. My guess is that she would NOT want to have the current lawn completely removed and then start over. It can be applied the same day as the grass seed is spread. Our genetically superior grass seed and soil food products will transform your lawn and help it to thrive. This … I do some overseeding, unrelated to this, and a little fertilizing as normal. How is this dead grass going to affect my lawn and the new seeding? For overall organic soil amendment, a very light application of top-dressing brushed into aeration holes can improve the soil without raising the grade. It can be done all at once, or in stages. Thank you. Our NO OBLIGATION lawn survey is FREE, our natural lawn soil improver prices may be cheaper that you think. I would like to know if there is any value in applying peat moss to a garden in late fall without grass seed, as the lawn seems to have difficulty retaining moisture (possibly because of two large trees nearby with roots under the lawn). Living in Charlotte NC we have woodland soils high in clay and sand. I Cover it until I could just see the old grass coming through. a couple months back the beginning of grass leaving and dirt only showing appeared. Commercially, soil testing is very common. This is a well-written article. I was installing sod in some bare spots in our backyard. Of about 1/4 and also a more even lawn.. I am going to get a load of really good organic soil delivered to our place. 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