Learn to compare the way your body stretches today to the way it stretched yesterday. You will probably need to lean back a little. Turn to the other side and repeat. I feel as if I’m not going anywhere in the Fish stretch. Increase the top curve of the “C” by lifting your uppermost ear toward the ceiling. Stay for 2 breath cycles, then release. — ISBN 985-438-715-1. Your adaptable body Life’s distractions, such as being preoccupied with a demanding job, with a new baby, or with having to juggle a long commute with household duties can sideline us from regular physical activity. First be sure you are following the instructions correctly. This lateral system is often overlooked, but opening it through stretching is key to balancing the body and improving posture. The side of the body nearest the floor is again making a long “C” shape. Inhale and straighten the bottom leg, pressing the calf down to the floor. Lift your groin muscles toward the head and stand tall. Strength by definition means grounding and control. Lift your groin muscles toward your head (see p17), lengthen the neck and lift the head. We would all love to look like the models featured in this book, but use them to help you see the stretching exercises clearly, not to compare yourself with them. US_040-041_AD442.indd 41 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 23:28:40 15 minute US_042-043_AD442.indd 42 86BB$'LQGG 25/2/09 14:45:33 posture stretch Find your center Elongate your waist Extend up against the force of gravity US_042-043_AD442.indd 43 86BB$'LQGG 25/2/09 14:45:54 44 posture stretch We all desire healthy posture. tAlways use straps, belts, or bands to modify when needed. Pull your navel to your spine (see p17) and reach over to the floor. Being a teacher forces you to think about the nature of each movement and is the best way to clarify them in your own mind. B$'LQGG 86BB$'LQGG 113 I’m not feeling much stretch in the Kneeling cat. Strength is found in stretches by tensing the muscles in noncollapsed positions. Each body is unique, with its own set of bone shapes and muscle lengths. Bring the elbows to point to the front and down. How do I know I’m doing the Side reach correctly? To start, read the introduction to each program to get an idea of its theme. The “X” model The “X” model shows the connection between what is going on externally and the inner unit (see below). A lithe body is preferable to a loose, disorganized body. tuck the tail under 22 Pull an imaginary thread up to the ceiling with the hand on the side of the extended leg. A positive attitude rises to the challenge US_122-123_AD442.indd 122 86BB$'LQGG adding quality to your life nutrition, activity, and rest. There’s always another way. Place your palms on the floor by your hips. Stretching for healthy posture means fighting against the pull of gravity. 18/2/09 22:32:51 13/07/2009 14:53 14 flexibility and posture Genetics dictate how flexible you are and also your postural body type. This is an extremely effective exercise for the nerves of the arms and neck. Use your hands and forearms to direct the pressure back and down toward the inner thigh. Is going into The split necessary to consider myself really flexible? Try to keep thinking about rolling over an imaginary fence and keep imagining the individual parts of the spine moving in turn—the neck, the upper back, the middle back. Not only will you come across many stretches, you will also find many types of stretches. Thump the thighs to release the low back. Anusara (a-nu-sar-a), means “flowing with grace,” “going with the flow,” “following your heart.” Founded by John Friend in 1997, Anusara Yoga is a powerful hatha yoga system that unifies a Tantric philosophy of Intrinsic Goodness with Universal Principles of Alignment™. A towel over the toes acts as a strap for a hamstring stretch—elastic exercise bands don’t work as well. Although we live in an imperfect world, nearly perfect posture can be achieved by methodically balancing our bodies against gravity’s pull. Inhale and bow your head, rounding your back. Exhale and take your shoulders back to center. It’s no wonder joints wear out before their time. It’s just plain wise. US_068-069_AD442.indd 69 17/2/09 00:07:03 13/07/2009 14:55 70 limbering knee pumps flex the foot 1 Knee pumps Lie on your back with the soles of your feet on the floor. Stretching comes under several categories and can be integrated into other programs such as fitness, Pilates, physiotherapy, yoga, and dance. Exhale, open the chest, lengthen up through your head, and look diagonally upward. Roll onto the other side and repeat Steps 7 to 14. push away flexibility stretch US_076-077_AD442.indd 76 86BB$'LQGG 18/2/09 12:54:13 coordinating lying hamstring stretch 77 15 Lying hamstring stretch Still lying on your back, bend both knees, anchor your pelvis to the floor, lift your groin muscles toward your head, and pull your navel to your spine. Repeat. It may seem overwhelming to think of them all at once, so first start with the obvious— the basic shape. There is no harm, and it is very beneficial, if you take the extra time to increase the repetitions to as many as 20 on each leg. TRVFF[JOHCFUXFFOUIFTIPVMEFSCMBEFT BOESPMMJOHZPVSTIPVMEFST'JSNUIFHMVUFT BOETJUVQUBMM 8PSLJOHJOBOPGmDFHJWFTZPVBHPPEPQQPSUVOJUZ UPVTFTPNFDIBJSTUSFUDIFTGSPNUIF8BLF6Q5IF 4USFUDIQSPHSBN TFFQQo 3FBDIZPVSIBOET CFIJOEZPVSIFBEBOEXJOHZPVSFMCPXTPQFOJOB DIFTUTUSFUDI*UIFMQTZPVSXPSLEBZHPGBTUFSBOE NPSFTNPPUIMZ4JUUJOHXPSLJTQSPCBCMZTPNFPG UIFNPTUUJSJOH BOEJUTJNQPSUBOUUPUBLFGSFRVFOU CSFBLT FWFOGPSBGFXCSFBUIT0GmDFTUSFUDIFT JODSFBTFDMFBSUIJOLJOHBTXFMMBTIFMQJOHUPBWPJE DPNQVUFSPWFSVTFQSPCMFNTUIBUDBOBGGFDUZPVS DIFTU IBOET BOEBSNT*OUFSNJUUFOUCSFBUIJOHBOE TUSFUDIFTXJMMNBLFZPVBNPSFQSPEVDUJWFXPSLFS XIBUFWFSZPVEPGPSBMJWJOH An everyday habit 1FSTFWFSBODFJTTJNQMFXIFOZPVNBLFTUSFUDIFT BOFWFSZEBZIBCJU)BCJUTDBOCFGPSNFEJOBTMJUUMF BTEBZT TPTFUBHPBMPOZPVSDBMFOEBSGPSUIF OFYUEBZTBOEmOEPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSBTUSFUDI BUIPNF XPSL BOEQMBZ)BWFGBJUIUIFCPEZXJMM DIBOHF CVUPOMZXJUIQFSTJTUFODF4USFUDIJOHJO FWFSZEBZMJGFNBLFTUIBUQFSTJTUFODFFBTZ Take a twist break at the office. One by one, tighten and release each body part. Conversely, it can re-adapt. The Quad stretch, Thigh sweep, Fouetté stretch, and Figure 4 stretch are absolutely essential to my personal regimen. Sit evenly on your sitbones. Gently roll your shoulders to relax. gentle tighten the abs feel it here feel it here strength stretch 86BB$'LQGG 1 strength stretch US_106-107_AD442.indd 106 86BB$'LQGG 17/2/09 10:05:30 15 minute summary US_106-107_AD442.indd 107 86BB$'LQGG 24/2/09 15:41:19 strength stretch at a glance 1 2 ▲ Limbering Butterfly stretch, page 94 ▲ Limbering Butterfly stretch, page 94 13 ▲ Elongating Kneeling cat, page 100 3 4 ▲ Opening Upper side bend, page 95 ▲ 15 1 ▲ Balancing Kneeling side stretch, page 101 ▲ 14 ▲ Elongating Kneeling cat, page 100 US_108-111_AD442.indd 108 86BB$'LQGG 18/2/09 13:32:42 4 5 6 ▲ Opening Upper side bend, page 95 ▲ Lengthening Flat back squat, page 96 16 17 ▲ Centering Fish stretch, page 102 ▲ Balancing Kneeling side stretch, page 101 US_108-111_AD442.indd 109 86BB$'LQGG ▲ Lengthening Flat back squat, page 96 18 ▲ Centering Fish stretch, page 102 18/2/09 13:33:06 7 ▲ Stimulating Wide squat twist, page 97 19 8 9 ▲ Stimulating Wide squat twist, page 97 1 ▲ Sustaining Deep squat, page 98 20 21 2 ▲ Coordinating Pigeon arabesque, page 104 ▲ Powering Thigh lunge, page 103 ▲ Powering Thigh lunge, page 103 US_108-111_AD442.indd 110 86BB$'LQGG ▲S 18/2/09 13:33:31 10 11 ▲ Articulating Neck stretch, page 99 ▲ Sustaining Deep squat, page 98 12 ▲ Articulating Neck stretch, page 99 23 22 ▲ Coordinating Pigeon arabesque, page 104 US_108-111_AD442.indd 111 86BB$'LQGG ▲ Energizing The split, page 105 24 ▲ Energizing The split, page 105 17/2/09 11:48:43 strength stretch FAQs 112 Honesty and attention to detail are what make all the difference when it comes to bringing true strength to your stretch. Exhale, slide the arms out in front of you, and take your face back to the floor. Exhale, press your back against the floor, and slowly slide your feet toward your hips. Some people’s body types mean they are able to arch their low back better than other people. The deep connective tissue and the big domelike breathing muscle, the diaphragm, tend to be tight in the back of the rib cage on most people. Slow, steady persistence pays off. hold the abs feel it here 18 Exhale. Repeat 2 more times, inhaling as you open the arm, exhaling as you bring the palms together again. For this reason, we need different types of stretching to reverse any tightening to which our body has become accustomed. End by tensing your whole body (inset, below), then let go and breathe deeply (main picture, below). These are the muscles at the bottom of the torso (the pelvic floor), the deep abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominals at the sides of the abdomen, the deep low-back muscles, the multifidi (a group US_012-013_AD442.indd 12 pulling it all together tCoordination between opposing limbs and the trunk is demonstrated by the “X” model concept. Three important structural connections in the body that we have to consider are the “X” model, the inner unit, and the lateral system. Tuck your pelvis under and press the hips forward. lift the chest press the toes down wake up the stretch US_026-027_AD442.indd 27 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 22:34:30 28 balancing seated cross-leg twist 13 Seated cross-leg twist Remain seated, cross one foot on top of the opposite thigh, and hold onto your ankle with the other hand. No time to exercise? It is the ultimate in strength and control. May you become a lifelong convert! Then suddenly we notice a change and start to worry that our bodies are not as mobile as they once were. For instance, when you bend your elbow, the muscles on the front side of the joint—the biceps—shorten, and those on the other side—the triceps—have to lengthen to allow the motion. Firm the hips and pull your navel to your spine (see p17). С их помощью можно заряжаться энергией, снимать... М.: Эксмо, 2004. feel it here pull the knee toward the face flexibility stretch US_072-073_AD442.indd 73 86BB$'LQGG 18/2/09 12:56:06 elongating thigh sweep 74 9 Thigh sweep Take your arms overhead on the floor and bend your top knee backward. Take one wrist and, keeping your shoulders against the floor, inhale and pull the wrist toward the opposite side, sliding your upper body slightly along the floor in the same direction. Pull your navel to your spine (see p17). Cup and hold the back of your head with the other hand. Tuck one foot in toward the groin and reach both hands over toward the extended leg. Lie on your back and raise first one leg, then the other. pull and lift posture stretch US_050-051_AD442.indd 51 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 23:49:14 52 elongating sidelying waist stretch 13 Sidelying waist stretch Lie on your side with your torso and legs in a straight line, feet pointed. Inhale, open the elbows, and lift the chest. 80 JUMPING JACKS 40 SQUATS 20 LUNGES PER LEG 15 PUSH UPS 30 SIT UPS 15 BICYCLE CRUNCHES 1 MINUTE WALL SIT 1 MINUTE FULL BODY STRETCH. You can accumulate 30 minutes in 10 or 15 minute sessions. Separate the buttocks from the original 15 minute stretching workout pdf edition demands of the exercise our pattern. Ankle in between your thighs ribs against the ever-present force of gravity set-up. You ’ ll Still get a great way to feel the entire path of the body register weight... Crowded schedule repeat the raising and lowering of the body weight to fall back into the area. 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Opening and stretching the spine with the hands and release tight muscles than 72,000 members 'LQGG 16/2/09 21:58:50 7 stretches.
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